Friday, June 29, 2007

Send me stuff!!

So for those of you who would like to send me letters or packages, here are my addresses.

For letters, send them to this address:

Colin Odneal
General Delivery - Lake
Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190

For packages, use this address:

Colin Odneal
YNP Lodges
Lake Hotel Personnel Office
Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190

Also if you want a post card or a letter...I need your address!! So post it on a comment!!

Life is a highway, and I road it all night long. Plus 4 more days.

So I've made it to Yellowstone and am all moved into my dorm. For the summer my residence will be the Osprey dorm on the shore of beautiful Yellowstone Lake. (pictures to follow) But I first figured that I would chronicle my voyage to Yellowstone. Let us begin.
The first thing of interest I passed was Iowa 80, the world's largest truck stop.

The Corn PalaceThe Badlands
Mt. Rushmore
Crazy Horse
(The actual mountain is over a mile away!)
Devil's Tower

Those were the highlights of my trip out, plus an awesome drive on the Cloud Peak Skyway through a winding canyon in Wyoming, but no pictures as I needed both hands on the wheel to navigate the turns.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Travel Itinerary

So here's the travel plan for my drive out to Yellowstone (navigated with the help of the sweet atlas Al gave me):

Day 1 (Sat): Leave Rossford, Ohio and get as far West as possible by 6 or 7pm (somewheres in Iowa), find a campsite and sleep.

Day 2 (Sun): Drive North to South Dakota, see the Corn Palace, Wall Drug, and sleep at Badlands National Park for the night.

Day 3 (Mon): Drive South to see Wind Cave National Park, then North-West to see Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse and the Black Hills. Then drive West into Wyoming and visit Devil's Tower. Camp there for the night.

Day 4 (Tues): Drive across Wyoming and Montana while stopping to see Custard's Last Stand (detour), and taking my sweet time driving the backroads and staying off the highway. Possibly getting to Yellowstone that night.

Day 5 (Wed): Drive to Gardiner, Montana and relax for the day. See the Roosevelt Arch and stretch my legs because on Thursday I start work at Yellowstone!

Well that's my plan.

The next post I make will be made from Yellowstone!

Wish me good luck, safe driving, and godspeed!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My Sweet Ride

Seeing as how I'm from Kettering and about to embark on a roadtrip, I feel it necessary to post pictures of the sweet ride I'll be driving in out to Yellowstone.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the 1995 Honda Civic DX 2-door coupe!!

The ol' girl doesn't look too bad once she's been washed and waxed.

For those of you who remember my left fender being rusted and swinging freely in the breeze, duct tape has fixed that for me quite nicely.

My trusty co-pilot for the 5-day trip out West.

Well all that's left to do now is pack up my things and hit the road come Saturday morning. I'm thinking the biggest breakfast Denny's has to fuel myself. Lumberjack Slam here I come!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

I'm about to head out West

As it stands, on Saturday morning I'll be hitting the road for Yellowstone National Park where I'll be working for the whole summer. From my home in Rossford, Ohio it's over 1700 miles away, and I'm going to take 4 or 5 days to get there.

Some of the scheduled stops along the way:

...and ever other roadside attraction I see a sign for. I figured, why be in a hurry to get there? Might as well take my time and have some fun amidst all the driving.

The journey can be the destination...