Saturday, July 14, 2007

The End of Third Week (with lots o' pictures)

After my sprained ankle healed up, I was back on the trails. Me and Hilary, a girl from just north of Lansing, MI, went on a hike yesterday. On the way there we saw two elk. One with a huge rack, the other standing in the middle of the Yellowstone River.

Nice Rack

The trail we were going to hike was the 15 mile long Howard Eaton trail that connects the Canyon area to Fishing Bridge. We had to turn around only a mile in because a buffalo herd was directly in our path. The trail in the picture below is the one we were supposed to follow.

Yeah, we turned around.

So instead we decided to hike Grebe Lake. On the way, we saw a coyote as it crossed the road in front of us.

The path on the way to the long went through an area of forest that had been decimated in the '88 fires, and it was kind of creepy.

The lake was really tranquil, but full of horse flys, which sucked. At the far end of the lake we could see two Trumpeter swans (highly endangered) but we were too far away for a picture that would be more than just two white dots.

After the lake hike on the way back to our dorms, we stopped at the La Hardy rapids on the Yellowstone River where some pelicans were hanging out looking for some trout to snatch up.


This morning Hilary, Jen, Josh, and I hiked to the Lake Overlook near Grant Village where we got an awesome view of the lake and even the Tetons. At the top we even saw an Osprey nest.

Then the clouds started to roll in with the thunder and the lightning and it was time to go. We ended up getting drenched for about a half mile of run/walking.

Well that's the end of my third week, more to come as I've bought myself a fly-fishing rod and reel and am going to start fishing as soon as possible. Later.

Hiking in Yellowstone makes you dirty as my bathtub can attest.


Anonymous said...

Hey Colin,
I have been following your adventure out west from day 1, and was starting to wonder if you really had a job out That's the kind of job we all should have...sounds like fun. Your pictures are just beautiful...keep them coming, I look forward to seeing them. Take care and watch out for those bears on your hikes!
Love, Patti Spears

Anonymous said...

Great work.